Wednesday, 13 April 2011


Drama is a form of expression which involves creativity on the part of the dramatist and cooperative ability on the part of the actors. Through this event the participants have an opportunity to express themselves and show their creativity.

The theme: Pluralism in Indonesian Modern Folktale”
 The General Rules
1.   Technical Meeting is held on May 8th , 2011 at 07.30 a.m. 
2.   The Drama Contest is held on May 13th  – 14th , 2011. The contest starts at 07.30 a.m.
3.   The Drama contest is in one round.
     The three highest-scoring teams are eligible to be the winner, runner-up 1, and runner-up 2. The decision is announced at the Closing Ceremony on May 14, 2011 at Koenjono (the room located on the 4th floor of Sanata Dharma University Administration Building (BAA).
4.   The capacity of Drama Contest team is 15 teams. Every school may send two teams at maximum. Each team consists of ten students one of which is the assistant/sound operator. The assistant must wear the school uniform. However, every school is allowed to have its own spectators.
5.   Every team is supposed to explore the theme given. The failure to adapt the provided theme renders to score reduction.
6.   Every school has to send at least one representative to attend the technical meeting.
7.   Every team is to submit one drama synopsis in English and enclosed the names of the team members, printed on an A4 sized-paper, with 1.5 spaces. The submission of the synopsis is due to May 2nd, 2011 to a day before Technical Meeting, addressed to the registration committee.
8.   The array of turns to perform will be decided in the technical meeting.
9.   All the teams must have arrived at least 30 minutes before the contest begun.
10.  The judges’ decision is not negotiable.

The Specific Rules
1.      The drama script is adopted from the Indonesian Folktale.
2.      The Drama should contain English dialogue. The performance is not in the form of monologue or pantomime.
3.      The Drama is performed without reading any script and using microphones and the performers are responsible for keeping the stage clean. They are to return all provided properties in the condition like when they received it.
4.      The performers are not allowed to bring any dangerous weapons such as knife, gun, and lethal weapon while attending the contest.
5.      The story should not contain rude words and insults to a certain person/group. The performers may create parodies of an existing story or criticize a certain issue but never attacking directly.
6.      The performers are supposed to convey the content of the story and use polite and inoffensive language.
7.      Every team will be given 25 minutes to perform with these following requirements:
·   Use 15 minutes to perform the drama and 10 minutes for the preparation.
·   Manage the time in such a way that by the 25th minutes the stage will have been empty.
·   Spending the time more than given will reduce the score.
8.      The time will be reminded by waving 3 flags:
·   The green flag      à the starting minute.
·   The yellow flag    à the 15th minute.
·   The red flag         à the 25th minute.
9.      Every team will be called three times to perform. If they fail to show up after the third call, they will be considered failed.
10.  In order to have a smooth transition to the next performance, the following team to perform has to prepare everything behind the stage while the previous team is performing and be ready five minutes before the following team performs.
11.  During the  contest, every team and their supporters have to respect each other
·   The audiences have to be quiet during the performances.
·   All participants should attend the two-day competition until all groups have performed.
12.  All the participants and audiences must be aware that the contest area is a public place, so smoking is prohibited.

The Provided Facilities
1.   A stage.
2.   A fitting room for girls and another fitting room for boys.
3.   4 tables and 4 chairs.
4.   A laptop.

The Criteria for Scoring
1.   Acting:
     Gestures, facial expressions, characterization, blocking and interaction.
2.   Speech and the Language:
     Choices of words, audibility, articulation/pronunciation, vocal expressions and grammar.
3.   Content of the story:
     The ability to explore the theme given.
4.   Creativity:
     Setting (stage setting, background music), costume, make-up.
5.   Team work, and time management:
     The usage of the stage and time allocated and the organization of the team members.

Contribution for Drama Contest
Each group participant contributes Rp 75.000,00 to registration fee.
The Prizes
1.   The 1st Winner will receive a trophy from Sanata Dharma University, Rp 900.000,00 cash, and certificate.
2.   The 1st Runner Up will receive a trophy from Sanata Dharma University, Rp 650.000,00 cash, and certificate.
3.   The 2nd Runner up will receive a trophy from Sanata Dharma University, Rp 450.000,00 cash, and certificate.
Every participant of Drama Contest will receive a certificate to certify their participation in English Action Days.

For further information about drama competition you may call us in English Action Days’ secretariat.

The coordinator of drama competition:
Nana               : 085643992737
Mutiara          : 085647191490


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Sanata Dharma University, Sleman, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
EAD is an annual event held by English Language Education Study Program of Sanata Dharma University.

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